
Star wars first strike
Star wars first strike

star wars first strike

In her mind, she was in a highly equiped, hyperdrive capable warship capable of getting her away from her former captives. Leia was not keen on landing on Duros and returning to the fleet. Indeed, the pickup from Fleet would have to be well timed, as the Imperials would certainly be on high alert when a core-world star destroyer was attacked. Gorbie-Wan seemed to think this was ok, and the last time I saw my wingman was when he left my side for the Aldera, and we all departed for the Rendez-vous point on the Duros surface. The Crew of the Alderra boarded their ship, and that holovid star Joey shoved me away from the controls of the Imperial Lamda class shuttle I had commandeered. We fought off countless Stormtroopers to make our escape. My suspicions were confirmed with the Alderanese Monk Talian would never leave her side. Though she initially identified herself by her ship name (the Tantive IV), I knew the vessel carried the former senator. who would turn out to be the Princess of Alderan, Leia Organa. My wingman, Gorbie-Wan talked me into helping rescue a trapped agent on the ISD Iron Fist. the mission was a success and we recovered the equipment. The empire was stealing their food processors, and trying to subjugate their free will. I would find out my last mission was to help the Duros people. How I got here, well that’s an interesting story. One day we will be free of their oppression. I have been captured by the Imperials, and in their eyes I am guilty of many crimes. I know we were never close, but it always helped to know I had some family back home that I was fighting for.

star wars first strike

That message is: Get your life together, do something… be someone. Whoever finds this message, I ask that you get a message to my Cousin Gavin on Tatoonie. I am Pilot with the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Star wars first strike